Benjamin Millepied is suddenly too busy to spend time with Natalie Portman

May 2024 · 3 minute read


In Touch Weekly has an interesting little story about Natalie Portman and Benjamin Millepied this week. It’s actually something that I’ve been wondering about, ever since I read Benjamin’s New York Times profile – in the profile, he not only seemed like he was an unprofessional, famewhoring douche, but he also sounded really, really busy. The Ballet K-Fed is striking while the iron is hot, as they say, and it’s looking more and more like he’s not around for his baby-mama. ITW’s piece is called “Natalie Portman’s Love Trouble: Is her fiancé suddenly too busy for her?” You know it’s going to be good!

Natalie Portman is at one of the highest points of her life. The mom-to-be is the odds-on favorite to win a best actress statuette at this year’s Oscars, and she’s engaged to be married. But behind-the-scenes, an insider says she still has relationship gripes with her fiancé, Benjamin Millepied.

“The pregnancy has not been very easy, partly because Benjamin is too busy with his career,” says the insider. “She wants him to be around more, but he’s working nonstop, while her workload has slowed down. He is choreographing multiple ballets right now, and is scheduled for up to three years of work.”

Benjamin has also missed some family engagements and important doctor sppointments that Natalie wanted him to show up to.

“Ben’s career is at its prime,” the insider adds. “But she’s scared he’s not excited about being a dad.”

[From In Touch Weekly, print edition]

Years ago, I remember reading some study that was done on soon-to-be baby-daddies and how their partners’ pregnancies affected the caveman part of their brain. The study claimed that while we think a baby-daddy would be super-protective of his partner during the pregnancy, biologically, men are hard-wired to spend more time working and “providing” when their partners are expecting because the caveman brain thinks that, you know, the meat needs to be stockpiled and there‘s extra hunting to be done. I don’t know if that’s really the case, or if the study was full of crap, but it’s an interesting take on what’s happening here. Personally, I’ve been slightly surprised that Benjamin hasn’t been Natalie’s “date” for every Oscar occasion – he was with her at the Globes, but I don’t think he came to the SAGs, or anywhere else. It could be that he’s just super-busy with his own thing, and that he cares about being a father and he’s just going all caveman. Or it could totally be that Benjamin doesn’t really give a crap and that Natalie chose the wrong K-Fed to knock her up.




Photos courtesy of Fame & WENN.
