Chloe Moretz offers up a blind item about an older, fat-shaming male costar

May 2024 · 4 minute read


Chloe Grace Moretz covers one of the Variety’s “the power of Young Hollywood” issues – John Boyega and Zendaya also got separate covers, and we’re covering those interviews in separate posts. Chloe is only 20 years old, which sort of surprised me because I truly thought she was already mid-20s. I think that’s because she’s been working so long, and she transitioned from child actor to adult actor pretty seamlessly. In this interview, Chloe talks about everything from politics (she supported Hillary Clinton) to her feud with Kim Kardashian (which she acts like she didn’t start) to some really awful stories about experiencing sexism on film sets. You can read the Variety article here. Some highlights:

Her Twitter feud with Kim Kardashian: “It’s sad for her to reach out like that to a young woman,” says Moretz, who hasn’t interacted with Kardashian West since. “There’s a lot of woman-on-woman hate.”

She’s not leaving America now that Trump is president: “I was like, ‘No! That’s not what you do as an American.’ As an American, you fight for your country, and we protect our country, and we protect our rights, and we protect those that are weak and cannot speak. There’s a massive issue in this country, and we’ve got to speak up. We’re having a mockery made of our system.”

On her family: “They’ve all helped me stay true to who I am. Whenever I date someone, I’m like, it’s family first, my career second and you third. That’s just the way it is, and I’m sorry.”

A blind item about a fat-shaming costar: “This guy that was my love interest was like, ‘I’d never date you in a real life,’ and I was like, ‘What?’ And he was like, ‘Yeah, you’re too big for me’ — as in my size…It was one of the only actors that ever made me cry on set,” she recalls, opting not to reveal the identity of the actor, only saying that he was “23, 24 or 25” and she was 15 years old at the time. “I had to pick it up and go back on set and pretend he was a love interest, and it was really hard…It just makes you realize that there are some really bad people out there and for some reason, he felt the need to say that to me. You have to kind of forgive and not forget really, but it was just like wow. It was jarring. I look back on it and I was 15, which is really, really dark.”

Another blind item about a costar: “I’ve had a younger male lead ostracize me and bring up fake issues just to try and put me in my place, and make things up to the director…things that are crazy, things that I would never do, unprofessional things that would make no sense. I’ve had an actor do that to me. It’s crazy. They have this inferiority issue, and I’m like, ‘You are completely equal to me, you are no different than me. I just happen to be the lead in this movie, and I don’t know why just because you are kind of the smaller character that you’re pushing me into a corner to try and put me down.’ Little snips that just put you down.”

[From Variety]

I had to look through Chloe’s IMDB to try to figure out who the older costar might be in that first blind item. I still don’t really know though, because I haven’t seen most of her movies. Did she have any kind of love interest in Kick Ass 2? Because that film falls right around the timeline given. It could have also been Carrie! You know who was in Carrie? ANSEL ELGORT. He’s only three years older than Chloe, but I’ve now convinced myself that Ansel Elgort told Chloe that she was “too big” for him to date. Gross.


Photos courtesy of Variety.
