Demon Slayer Season 2 Episode 18 ends with a bang, signals the end of the Entertainment District arc

April 2024 · 8 minute read

Demon Slayer season 2 episode 18 has finally aired, marking the end of the Entertainment District arc. The episode depicted the conclusion and aftermath to the fight against the Upper Rank Six demon siblings, Gyutaro and Daki.

It also brought to light some interesting revelations regarding Muzan’s origins. So without any more delay, let us jump right into the details of the 45-minute-long finale of the Demon Slayer season 2 anime.

Demon Slayer Season 2 Episode 18 highlights

Nezuko saves Tanjiro, Inosuke and Uzui

Demon Slayer season 2 episode 18 began with a recap of Tanjiro, Zenitsu and Inosuke beheading the Upper Rank Six siblings simultaneously, for their heads to roll away to a stop, facing each other. Uzui noticed Gyutaro’s Blood Demon Art activating belatedly, yelling at Tanjiro to run. The latter was however way past his limit, reeling from both overuse of Hinokami Kagura and the effects of the demon’s poison.

Just when all seemed lost, Nezuko activated her Blood Demon Art, burning away the onslaught of Flying Blood Sickles. The next scene revealed her sitting beside Tanjiro trying to wake him up, having reverted back to her child-like form. He woke up to find himself recovered from the effect of the poison due the unusual quality of Nezuko’s demonic fire which leaves humans completely unharmed.

Unable to exert himself even to walk, Nezuko carried Tanjiro to find Zenitsu awake and remembering nothing, who told them that Inosuke was in bad shape. Nezuko used her fire to save Inosuke’s life and burn away the poison, and he woke up to immediately say that he was hungry.

Meanwhile, a dying Uzui looked on exasperatedly, wondering if he would die without being able to say any last words. His wives sat beside him crying, Suma wailing while Makio tried to stop her so Uzui could speak. Nezuko appeared and wordlessly set the Sound Hashira on fire, much to his wives’ horror. The trademark humor of Demon Slayer struck, as Suma began blabbering and scolding Nezuko, stating it was too early to cremate Uzui.

After the Hashira recovered from the poison, he advised Tanjiro not to move and aggravate his injuries, but the latter set off with Nezuko to look for the severed demon heads to make sure they really were dead. He also collected some of the spilled blood, sending it to Tamayo for her research.

Gyutaro and Ume

Tanjiro found the two demon siblings arguing over whose fault it was that they lost. Daki threw a tantrum and said they couldn’t be siblings by blood, given how ugly Gyutaro was. Before Gyutaro could return the insult and hurt Daki back, Tanjiro clapped his hand around the demon’s mouth, saying that he knew Gyutaro didn’t mean what he was saying.

He added that nobody would ever forgive the bloodshed they had committed as demons, so they needed at least each other to be there. Gyutaro was left to watch as his sister’s head disintegrated before his eyes, prompting him to instinctively call out to her by her real name, “Ume.”

Demon Slayer season 2 episode 18 delved into Gyutaro and Ume’s human lives, revealing the reason for the resentment and hatred that festered within both siblings, even as demons.

They were born to the lowest of classes in the Entertainment District, and Gyutaro especially was shunned for his grotesque features. He had to resort to hunting and eating rodents and insects when he was hungry since his mother saw him as a burden, and tried to kill him many times both before and after his birth.

Things improved for him after Ume’s birth because of her exquisite beauty, even at the tender age of thirteen. He became a particularly vicious debt-collector, while Ume began working at a brothel. But she was burnt alive for stabbing a samurai’s eye with a hairpin, and Gyutaro was also fatally wounded when he found her half-alive form and confronted the samurai.

Former Upper Rank Six

Gyutaro’s flashback in Demon Slayer season 2 episode 18 showed the demon bearing the markings for Upper Rank Six who found them and turned them into demons. The demon, called Douma, mused whether the two siblings could become demons and climb up the ranks to become an Upper Rank Demon like him.

Considering the fact that Ubuyashiki Kagaya had mentioned in Demon Slayer season 1 that no Upper Rank demon had been killed in over the last hundred years, it can be assumed that the demon was possibly promoted to higher rank and was still very much alive.

The siblings reunite

The flashback in Demon Slayer season 2 episode 18 ended with Gyutaro disintegrating as well, his only regret being he could not give his sister a better life. He saw his sister, dressed not as Daki but as Ume again, and tried to push her away believing it was his influence that caused her to die such a miserable death.

But she refused to let him go, citing his promise to never abandon her. Gyutaro held onto Ume who clung to him and sobbed, carrying her through a path set ablaze with fire.

Uzui retires

Demon Slayer season 2 episode 18 showed the Serpent Hashira Iguro Obanai arriving. He praised Uzui condescendingly, enquiring when he would be returning to duty after losing his eye and arm.

Uzui said that he was retiring to which Iguro expressed his disapproval, adding that none of the youngsters lived long enough to become a Hashira. Uzui countered the claim, informing him that Tanjiro was sure to reach his potential. Iguro was startled to know that he had survived the battle.

Kagaya’s revelation

Towards the end of Demon Slayer season 2 episode 18, fans see crows delivering the news to Ubuyashiki Kagaya, whose illness had further progressed. It did nothing to dampen his slightly hysterical excitement, believing that they would finally be able to kill the Upper Rank demons and Kibutsuji Muzan himself within this generation. He also revealed that Muzan belonged to the Ubuyashiki family, before beginning to cough up blood again.

The episode ended with Akaza being summoned to the Infinity Castle, which made him realize that an Upper Rank Demon had been killed. Meanwhile, back at the now completely destroyed entertainment district, a heavily-injured Uzui began returning home with his wives. Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke huddled together with Nezuko, sobbing with relief at all of them being alive.

With this Demon Slayer Entertainment District arc came to an end. Demon Slayer season 3 is set to tackle the next arc of the story. While fans did not get a preview of what is to come next, as was the case with the end of season 1 of the anime, season 3 has been officially announced and will adapt the Swordsmith Village arc of the Demon Slayer manga.

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