How to add Armor Plates to the Firing Range dummies in Warzone 2

May 2024 ยท 5 minute read

The Firing Range in Call of Duty: Warzone 2 allows players to try out various guns and loadouts on dummies. This provides them with an idea of what to expect from the custom classes that they build. These dummies are at different ranges as well, which allows them to check their effectiveness at various distances. However, by default, these targets don't come with Armor Plates.

While that certainly works for Modern Warfare 2, it doesn't serve the same purpose in Warzone 2. In the battle royale title, all players equip Amor Plates, which provide them an extra layer of protection. As a result, it increases the number of bullets it takes to eliminate them and also increases the time to kill.

Hence, to check whether one's custom loadout will work properly, they will need to test them out against armored dummies in the Firing Range. That said, this guide will take a look at how one can do add the plates to the practice targets in Warzone 2.

How to equip Armor Plates on the dummies in the Firing Range of Warzone 2?

As established, equipping Armor Plates on the Firing Range dummies of Modern Warfare 2 isn't as useful as in the battle royale title. It allows you to test your guns against different numbers of Armor Plates, be it no shields, one, or all the way up to three. Since this feature is hidden in plain sight, most players don't take advantage of it despite being present in the game.

With that said, here's how you can add Armor Plates to the dummies in Warzone 2:

Doing so will equip the dummies with Armor Plates. It is recommended to test out your loadouts against three shields, as that is the maximum an enemy can have. This will give you the proper idea of how your custom loadout will perform against an undamaged enemy. The same procedure will also work in Modern Warfare 2.

This is all there is to know about adding Armor Plates to the Firing Range dummies in Warzone 2. It is a hidden feature that very few take advantage of and allows you to test your custom classes without even having to head into a real match.

Also, as the targets are positioned at different distances, you can check the effectiveness of Sniper Rifles or other long-range weapons for a one-shot kill.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 and Warzone 2 Season 4 Reloaded are now live. The update is now available on the Windows PC (via and Steam), Xbox One, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, and PlayStation 5.

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