How to find Electrical Cable in Stray

May 2024 · 5 minute read
Looking for an electrical cable (Image via BlueTwelve Studio)

Even though Stray has players taking on the role of a cat with no special powers or anthropomorphic traits, there is a story embedded in the game.

To unravel the story behind this post-apocalyptic world, players will have to channel their innate feline skills to help out robot citizens while earning trophies along the way. Humans are seemingly extinct in this game world, where only rundown and dilapidated buildings exist.

Funnily enough, these robot citizens need stuff, just as humans did. They will often ask for the player’s help to find various objects. Elliot, for example, is a repairman of sorts. However, he is struggling with a problem; he always feels cold.

Elliot can be warmed up with Grandma’s poncho. However, Grandma also needs something in return: an Electric Cable.

Give Super Spirit Detergent to Azooz to get an Electrical Cable in Stray

It isn’t uncommon for items to only be obtainable through trading. In the case of the Electrical Cable, players have to first locate Azooz, who accepts Energy Drinks, and give him Super Spirit Detergent. In return, they’ll receive an Electrical Cable.

Here are the steps players can follow to get an Electric Cable in Stray:

From here on out, just return to Azooz, give him the Super Spirit Detergent and he’ll hand over the Electrical Cables.

Grandma is on the opposite end of town, relative to Azooz. In exchange for the Electrical Cable, she will hand over the Poncho, which is what Elliot needs to stay warm.

What platforms is Stray on?

Stray is available for purchase on PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4 and PC (pick it up on Steam). It was developed by BlueTwelve Studio and published by Annapurna Interactive.

As of right now, the game is not available on current-gen Xbox consoles, despite being on PC. It also isn’t available on the Xbox Game Pass.

Stray has a PlayStation-exclusive contract at the moment. More importantly, it is a timed exclusive. This means that its exclusivity has an end. Timed exclusives on a platform last from a few months to even a year.

However, that doesn’t necessarily mean Xbox owners will get to enjoy the game anytime soon. Keep in mind that no official plans have been announced by the developers to port Stray to Xbox.

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