How to sheath your weapon in Baldurs Gate 3

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Baldur’s Gate 3 has a myriad of weapons and armor that you will come across as you explore the Forgotten Realm. While you might like to display your armaments out in the open by having your character carry it around in their hands, there are times when you would like to sheath it and put it away when visiting towns or looking to interact with other NPCs in the game.

However, not many in the community are aware of how they can go about sheathing their weapon in the game, and it’s not all that surprising why. There is a lot that you will be able to do in BG3’s fleshed-out narrative and gameplay, and it can often get confusing as to how you can go about doing specific actions in the game, like putting your weapons back in the holster.

Hence, today’s Baldur’s Gate 3 guide will go over how to sheath your weapon in the game.

Sheathing your weapon in Baldur’s Gate 3

To put your weapon away in Baldur’s Gate 3, you can invest in two methods: the default one and the more roundabout one.

1) The default method

The default and the safest method is to press “U” on your keyboard. Upon pressing the button, your character will automatically sheath the drawn weapon that they are carrying.

2) The roundabout inventory method

The other method that newer players can try as soon as they start the game is to unequip their weapons from the inventory to sheath them. To do so, you will be required to press the “I” button, which will open the inventory menu.

You now need to drag and drop the weapon in question into the weapon slot in the inventory. This will automatically sheath it.

Are there advantages or disadvantages to sheathing a weapon in Baldur’s Gate 3

Mechanically there are no advantages or disadvantages to sheathing your weapons in the RPG. If the weapon looks cool enough, you might want to carry it around in your hands, however, sheathing is something you might automatically do if you are looking for a more fleshed-out DnD experience.

Do keep in mind that if you do choose to sheath your weapons in Baldur’s Gate 3, they will automatically be sheathed to the holder on your back, irrespective of the weapon. Hence, cosmetically, depending on how the weapon looks, your character might look odd or even hilarious at times.

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