Jim-Bob Duggars rules: no Halloween, no visiting the beach, no modern music

June 2024 · 4 minute read

Somehow the Duggars earned yet another magazine cover. I’m convinced this is a situation similar to when Teen Mom or The Bachelor/ette’s scandals earn covers. TV execs are doing deals to promote these shows. I could be wrong, the Duggars might move copies. We certainly talk about them enough.

Newly pregnant newlywed Jill Duggar and her engaged sister, Jessa, share the cover of US Weekly with the title “Our Rules for Love & Sex.” That’s a misnomer, they’re revealing their dad Jim-Bob’s rules for just about everything including celebrating major holidays, visiting places where people might not be fully covered in clothing, and listening to music. Of course the Duggar kids are also not allowed to hug anyone full on unless they’re married to them. We’ve already discussed that. Here are some of the rules, as explained by E! Online:

Parents Are CC’d on Texts: Yes, at 20 years old your mom and dad may be peeping your text messages. Once Ben Seewald jokingly wrote to fiancée Jessa, “Give me a ring.” Jim Bob’s reply? “No ring yet.” Oh, and his response was complete with smiley face emoticon. On the bright side…at least they don’t have to worry about naked selfies?

Dates Are Chaperoned: Parents accompany their children on dates in order to maintain their “accountability.” It “keeps things from going in the wrong direction,” explains Jim Bob. Likewise, the girls are comfortable with their parents’ presence, noting that being alone with men puts them in grave “moral danger.”

No Chest-to-Chest Contact Until Wedding Day: Side hugs are the preferred method of PDA in order to prevent any further temptation. And boy, do the Duggars sure love their side hugs!

Don’t Drink Alcohol: In the eyes of the Duggars, booze is a buzz kill. At a past event, Jill and Jessa accidentally sipped spiked punch. Jessa’s reaction? “Disgusting!”

They’re not allowed to listen to the radio: Michelle explains that dancing encourages “sensual” feelings while Jessa warns that modern day music is “promoting sex, drugs, all that type of stuff.” Instead, the family chooses to play gospel together.

They’re not allowed to celebrate Halloween: According to the Duggars, magic and witches are “part of a demonic realm God wants us to stay away from.” No hocus pocus here!

They’re not allowed to go to the beach: While there is Duggar-approved swimwear available for purchase, other beachgoers prove to be problematic for the religious clan. “It’s just too hard for the guys to try and keep their eyes averted,” Michelle explains.

[From E! Online]

So that’s a small glimpse into what it’s like growing up in a cult. Also forbidden in the Duggar household: science! The Duggar kids all believe the earth is just 6,000 years old and they’ll tell you about it with a straight face. Jessa and Jinger Duggar recently took a trip to the Creation Museum in Kentucky. Jessa Instagrammed a photo from the “museum” that claims that dinosaurs roamed the earth about 4,300 years ago (in reality they died out 65 million years ago). She wrote “If there really was a worldwide flood (as the Bible speaks of), what would the evidence be? Billions of dead things buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the earth. And that’s exactly what we find. Billions of dead things buried in rock layers, laid down by water, all over the earth. An Evolutionist and a Creationist will look at the same thing, but come to different conclusions because of their different starting points.”

Haha, NO. Just to go off for a second… you can in no way equate those two things. Scientists look at all the data, including carbon dating, and are willing to change their hypotheses based on new data. Scientists strive not to jump to conclusions based on pre-formed ideas. Science is open to revising beliefs based on new objective findings, unlike religious beliefs, which are subjective, based on relatively little if no evidence and unchanging. I would feel sorry for these kids if they weren’t trying to spread this ridiculous belief system.

Also, Jessa tweeted a photo quote against atheism that reveals a profound lack of understanding of natural selection.

But look, they’re so purty and pure! God made this.


