Joan Rivers: Chelsea Handler made it on her back fking the president [of E!]

May 2024 · 3 minute read

For a while now, I’ve felt like Joan Rivers is past her prime, and I think she’s using cruelty and shtick in the place of relevancy and genuine comedy. But I recently watched her 2010 documentary Joan Rivers: A Piece of Work, and I came away from that documentary with a new respect for her. She doesn’t really make me laugh, but I admire her longevity and her will to succeed and thrive. I might have to rethink some of the harsher things I’ve said and thought about Joanie, though. Because she’s taking Chelsea Handler to task and I’m ready to cosign Joan one thousand percent.

Funny ladies Joan Rivers and Chelsea Handler are in a major feud — and it’s no joke!

Joan appeared on Howard Stern’s Sirius XM radio show on Tuesday morning with her daughter Melissa Rivers and has the video of her attack on her fellow E! Network comedian.

“Number one, the girl made it on her back f**king the president, we all know that, of the network. Number two, she’s fine, she’s ordinary. She’s not a genius,” Joan told Howard, referring to Chelsea’s past relationship with E! President Ted Harbert.

“She’s an ordinary girl that was f**king somebody high up in the industry and they gave her a break and she’s doing okay.”

Rewind to Chelsea’s appearance on Howard’s show the day before when the 36-year-old said, “Joan Rivers? What the f**k do I care about Joan Rivers? I don’t think about her ever.”

According to Joan, the discord began at a network event in which she claims Chelsea ignored her efforts to say hello and was outright rude — but Chelsea claims it’s Joan who started it.

“Joan Rivers gets up and she’s like, I’d like to thank Chelsea Handler for giving me a career in comedy (mock laughing), and congratulations on your stage Chelsea because I don’t even have a dressing room,” Chelsea explained to Howard. “And I’m like, f**k off!”

Joan, 78, slammed back saying, “Who the f**k do you think you are? Whatever she is, she’s a drunk. I don’t wish her good luck, I don’t wish her bad luck,” Joan said. “I don’t think she’s particularly funny. But don’t you come after me, you wh*re!”

[From Radar]

Team Joan. Joan is the truth-teller in this situation. Plus, I think Chelsea took Joan’s “I don’t even have a dressing room” comment personally, when Joan likely meant it as a cut on E!, right? Whatever. Most female comedians pay homage to Joan for her decades of glass-ceiling-breaking, and it says something about Chelsea that she can’t even feign respect.

Photos courtesy of WENN.
