What happened to Emily Gorman? Family launches fundraiser as South Dakota teen killed in a boating a

May 2024 · 4 minute read

Emily Gorman, a 13-year-old girl hailing from South Dakota tragically lost her life in a boating accident in Lake Madison, located 30 miles west of the Minnesota border. The incident occurred on Monday, July 3, 2023, while Emily was tubing on Lake Madison and a jet ski reportedly collided with her boat, as per KTTC.

Emily Gorman was immediately transferred to the Sanford Hospital but unfortunately lost her life due to the injuries she sustained in the accident. She was alone when the incident occurred, as per a Facebook post authored by her mother. The Lake County Sheriff's Office has not released a formal statement regarding the matter and is yet to share details about the accident.

A GoFundMe page has been set up to raise money for Emily Gorman's funeral expenses

A GoFundme page was launched by Keith Flemming and it aims to raise $50,000 for Gorman's funeral expenses. As of this writing, the page has collected $27,635 with the help of 325 donations.

Emily Gorman, whose full name was Emily Brynn Gorman, was better known by her nickname Emmy. As per her obituary, Emily was sociable and enjoyed having sleepovers with her friends. She was multifaceted and participated in several extracurricular activities including dancing, cross-country athletics, and volleyball. She was in the eighth grade and as per her father, she had recently been selected to be a part of the Welcome Team at Harrisburg North Middle School.

In an emotional post on Facebook by Emily's mother, which was also shared on the GoFundMe page, she spoke about the loss of her daughter.

"Words cannot express our devastation and sorrow. We lost our beautiful Emily Brynn yesterday. For all those that knew and loved Emmy, know that she was so special, so beautiful, and had the biggest heart of anyone. She cared so deeply for those she loved and for all animals," she said.

Speaking about the circumstances that led to the tragic accident, Emily Gorman's mother wrote:

"Emmy passed away at Sanford Hospital after a tragic boating accident. We were not with her during the accident, but were able to be with her when she passed. Her obituary and funeral details are still being arranged…We are unsure how we are going to get through this, but we know Emmy is in Heaven with God."

The investigation into Emily Gorman's death remains active and more details about the case are currently awaited.

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