What's the best way to carve beef?

June 2024 · 5 minute read

Here are a few simple tips to help you and your knife glide effortlessly to success when carving delicious Scotch Beef PGI

You have gone to a lot of trouble and expense choosing, buying, preparing and cooking your Scotch Beef PGI roast to perfection and the assembled guests are awaiting, with great anticipation, a meal to remember.

The final hurdle is the act of carving. A few simple tips will help you and your knife glide effortlessly to success.

The tools of the trade

Carving knife The longer and sharper the blade of your knife, the better. If you do not have a knife specifically for carving, a large, very sharp, serrated bread knife will do the job although the slices will not look as attractive. Serrated knives, however, have the advantage of staying sharper for longer.

Carving fork A large carving fork with two or three long prongs helps to hold the joint steady while carving.

Carving tray This metal tray is not essential but it has spikes to further secure the joint in place while carving and gullied edges to catch the juices. If you are carving a joint with no bone it is best to use a wooden or plastic board so as not to blunt the knife.

Steel/knife sharpener If you are using a traditional carving knife, get into the habit of sharpening it before every use. Sharpening a blunt knife is difficult.

• Pre-heated serving dish

Clean hands

Resting the joint

After the roast comes out of the oven, cover it loosely with foil, (shiny side down) and allow it to rest for 15 minutes.

While there is debate about the pros and cons of resting meat and whether it makes any measurable difference, nine out of 10 chefs recommend resting on the grounds that it allows the meat to relax, making it more evenly succulent and easier to carve.

Carve against the grain

Nearly everyone has been told at some point in their life to always carve against the grain. The grain means the visible layers of muscle fibres that hold the meat together and run in one direction, lengthways along the joint of meat.

If you were to carve with the grain you would see long streaks of fatty sinew and each slice would be chewy. Carving against the grain results in tender slices.

Carving techniques

First and foremost, relax. Do not clench the knife but use a light grip. Use a long slicing motion and let the knife do the work.

Try to glide your way through each slice in one or two motions to avoid shredding the meat. Always position the carving fork between you and the knife to avoid any accidents.

Delicate touch: the thickness of the slices is a matter of preference Credit: StockFood

Roast rolled or boneless joint

If you are carving a boneless joint such as a rib-eye joint or beef fillet, lay the piece of beef lengthways so the grain runs parallel to the work surface. Holding it in position gently with your carving fork, cut slices from it as if it were a loaf of bread, starting at the wider end. If the end is uneven, make the first slice thicker than the others to get a level surface from which to continue carving.

The thickness of the slices is a matter of preference but if they are too thin, they may not hold together. Aim for a minimum thickness of 3mm or 1/8in. Transfer each slice to a warm serving dish and keep slices overlapping to preserve their heat.

A boned and rolled joint can also be carved standing on its end, depending on its size and shape. Begin by cutting and removing any string.

Roast rib of beef

The two prime cuts of beef on the bone for roasting are sirloin on the bone, from the hindquarter of the animal, and the forerib of beef. You can cut the joint into large individual steaks, carve the beef into slices while it’s still on the bone or separate beef and bone prior to carving.

To remove the beef, run the knife backwards and forwards down along the inside edge of the ribs until the meat is detached. Underneath the meat there will be another flatter piece of bone called the chine bone (part of the spine) which should already be detached. Remove this prior to carving the beef as per a rolled or boned joint (above).

Some of the tastiest morsels of beef will be clinging to the rib bones. Divide the ribs and add to the serving dish.

To carve the joint with the ribs intact, turn the joint over so the bones are underneath. They form a stable base. Carve across the grain, down through to the ribs. At the end of the slice twist the knife to be almost parallel to the board to separate the meat from the bone.

Scotch Beef – always a cut above

Only beef sourced from selected Scottish farms that adopt the best practice in animal welfare can be called Scotch Beef PGI. Go to tgr.ph/scotchbeef to find out how to prepare delicious, healthy meals from this premium food.

For more information on Scotch Beef, visit scotchkitchen.com, like the Facebook page and follow on Twitter.
